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A Cost Control System for Medium to Large Construction Companies

Kan Horharitanon (2544) found that many Thai construction companies didn’t use cost control system (CCS) and there was not the efficient and suitable CCS for Thai construction. CCS, which was used by many Thai contractor firms, lacked of efficiency, because of ambiguous cost evaluation system and inefficiency, cost code usage. Thereof, this study was aimed to assess and design the efficient CCS for Thai medium to large construction companies. For the system, cost code was specified by analyzing the code system of Construction Specification Institute (CSI) and Uniform Construction Index (UCI). The CCS was designed and created by using the information from evaluation CCS of 6 medium and large Thai construction companies. The proposed cost control system comprised of flow-chart, to show the flow of documents, and document forms for cost control system.
Tippawan Duangmanee
Thanawuthi Petayabanlue